Scouts Honor Wiki
Write away try-it

Write Away Try-it [retired]

Introduced in 1999, retired in 2011.

Please add ways to customize the Write Away Try-it activities here, and include useful resources below.

As with all older Brownie Try-its, scouts need to complete 4 activities to earn the badge.

Writing and its good friend reading are two terrific activities. If you are feeling bored or lonely or feel like doing a quiet activity, reading a good book can introduce you to an exciting adventure. Telling your own story can also be fun. You make up characters and have them act in any way that you choose. Grab a pencil and paper or a book, magazine or newspaper and try-it yourself.

All About Me[]

Write a story about your life (this is called an autobiography). You might want to describe your family, your home, your hobbies, your pets, your friends, your favorite activities, the things you like to eat or wear, and anything else that is important to you. Try illustrating your autobiography. You can draw pictures, or you can use photos.

Read the Story of Someone Special[]

Many books have been written about famous people. These are called biographies. Choose one to read. You might want to read about Juilette Gordon Low, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Helen Keller or Harriet Tubman.

Group Giggles[]

To do this activity you will need at least two to three other people. Have one person start the story. She might say, for example, "I skipped through a field full or flowers in all of the colors of the rainbow when all of a sudden..." Another person continues the story. Keep going until everyone has had a chance to add her part and the story is done.

Become a Reporter[]

Many times, people who write articles for newspapers or magazine do interviews. They get to meet interesting and sometimes famous people. Interview someone you know and try to find out one particularly unusual fact about her or him. You might, for example, discover that your school bus driver plays the tuba or that your teacher has six sisters. Prepare about five question, and keep asking until you find out one really fun fact.

Write a Letter[]

Staying in touch with relatives or friends who move away, or new friends you meet at summer camp or on vacation can be difficult. However, writing can help! Write letters that you send either through regular mail or e-mail. Tell your friends or family all about the badges you are earning and the other things you are doing.

Like It or Not[]

Read your favorite magazine. Which articles did you like best and which did you find boring? Why did you like some and not others? Was it the topic, perhaps the way it was written? Did some include activities that your enjoyed doing? Do the same things with the ads in the magazine.

Share the magazine with a friend or family member and find out whether your likes or dislike are similar.

Additional Resources[]
